Modifying Transitions and Routines
Strategies for helping children to stay engaged and successful in the classroom
Transitioning from one activity to the next can be a very challenging time for children and teachers. In this suite, we explore how to best support children in transitions. We’ll learn how to increase their efficiency and effectiveness, and we’ll also see the importance of consistent routines.
Critical Skills Highlighted
Giving Clear Expectations
Well-organized transitions and routines help children understand and remember what to do.
Creating Reliable Routines
Consistency makes children feel safe and helps them to know what to expect. Both help children engage successfully in the classroom.
Using Engaging Transitions
Use songs, tasks, and short activities during transitions to avoid wait times that can lead to challenges.
Effective Transitions
In this lesson, we explore what an effective transition is, why it’s important, and what it looks like.
Spotting Effective Transitions
In this lesson, you’ll have a chance to spot the key elements of an effective transition.
Effective Routines
In this lesson, we cover effective routines, why they matter, and what they look like.
Modifying Transitions and Routines Resources
Guide to Modifying Transitions and Routines (Español)
Learn more about this strategy and its importance, and learn tips for trying it in your classroom.
Family Guide to Planning for Transitions and Routines (Español)
Share this guide with families to communicate the strategies you're using at school. Take time to make connections between how children are supported at home and in the classroom.
Transition Visual Cards
Use these visuals and tips to plan and implement effective transitions in your classrooms.